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IMTS 2016 is in the books, and Restaurant Reviews
It was a fast month to say the least. Rich and I spent the better part of three weeks setting up the show, working the booth and taking it down, and shipping it home. Everything arrived on Monday safe and sound, Alex did an unbelievable job getting everything on the truck safe and secure. For his first full teardown and ship home of IMTS he did a great job and has earned a return ticket two years from now again.
We brought seven machines to the show, four from out Research and development lab and three we built specifically for the show. We were excited to have sold two on the floor, and the third was sold even before the truck got home. For all our employees here that worked hard on this project, it was more than gratifying to not only have sold the machines on the floor but to have some many people inquire about our machines. There was a lot of pride in the shop when we revealed how many leads we received and when customers started calling us after the show asking for quotes. Our employees did a great job and need to be recognized for the pride that they put into their jobs and the machines that we manufacture.
For those who remember two years ago we had two new comers to the show, they had to wear the pink bicycle helmet from the parking garage to the booth. Alex and Alan wore it proudly last time and Brandon wore it well and didn’t even flinch when it was his turn. Dan our other new addition chose the alternative, for one evening at dinner he could order nothing but Shirley Temple cocktails. He also was a great sport and happily drank his pink, flavored cocktails.
Bob Hoffman is our resident expert when it comes to all things food related, this year he outdid himself by getting Cold Stone Creamery to move below the Embassy suites on North State Street where we stay. We “ had to have it” many nights after dinner. A few other mentions go out to the following Restaurants:
• Chicago Q A great place for upscale Barbeque
• Maestros this was a dessert recommendation that I had during set-up. Go for the ...
Day two in the books at IMTS set-up
Rich and I are sitting here eating a pizza tonight checking e-mails and I figured I would catch you to speed on what we did at work today…. See the attached you tube video!
Day three is all about powering up the machines and making spindles turn!
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