Supporting Our Customers Is A Key Priority.
Introducing a New
When I went to Rochester Institute of Technology back in 1989, I brought my personal computer a advanced 289 powerhouse purchased from CompuAdd at a local highway store. There was no Gateway, Dell or others. Apple had a simple computer that could also do the basics as did my CompuAdd machine. I could type out term papers and essays right in my room, no need to brave the Rochester NY winters going to the computer lab. I quickly become friends in college with a Tor Gunderson, a native of Fairport N.Y. and as a graphic design major he was extremely creative and would often act as a sounding board for projects that were in my curriculum. He would spend hours drawing for classes, freehand as computers were not introduced to their classes, computers were not advanced enough to complete their projects. Computers entered their curriculum late into our collegiate career. At RIT we had an “email” system called the VAX system. It was a simplistic e-mail server that really was a pain to use would crash often and would be problematic in so many ways.
During our college coursework, he did a couple of projects for me and Royal Master that we used, a presentation folder, and a few brochures. Upon competition of college we continued to work together on various projects. He married another Graphic design major, Dina, and a few years later, Creative Thunder Designs was born.( )
Around 12 years ago Royal Master’s first website was born, and six years ago I approached him about and our satellite site was born as a virtual tradeshow booth for IMTS. Last year we embarked on our new site at We used facetime, dropbox, skype, and other online tools to accomplish this new site on weekends and evenings. We often commented about how much easier everything was from our first website where we would Fedex 8×10 glossy photos to Georgia for his to scan, and place into the site. Our daughters would talk on-line as Tor and I would work and they became fast friends even having never met in person.
Technology is amazing and it moves fast. In 20 years time, we went from a state of the art 286 computer, to virtual meetings , digital photography, internet, and on-line tools
Visit our new website, and do not forget about our site. As IMTS approaches, look for some really cool things from Royal Master. We are taking centerless grinding to a whole different level with innovative programming technology, and automation technology.
We are also looking for the Royal Master Machine that has the most infeed cycles on it. To date we have a machine in Germany that has over 23,000,000 million cycles on it, a Generation X with over 16 million cycles and a Gen 4 with over 18 million wires ground. We will have a really cool gift for you if you can beat those numbers!