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This is the Royal Master Wire Profile Laser Measurement Gauge. This laser gauge system has become an industry standard now for more than 20 years. The evolution of this gauge has introduced many improvements and yet the basic concept remains steadfast.

Pull a ground guide wire core through the 2 axis laser head using a linear motor. Create a near infinite series of data sets representing the coordinates of points along a line graph. This line graph shows the profile of the measured ground guide wire. Select the analysis type for presenting the data in the format you choose. Save, print and / or send the result. Reading the results is as easy as looking at a map on your phone with zoom in and out touch screen.

This Wire Profile Measurement Gauge can be networked to your office computer to retrieve and evaluate database information from a remote supervisor computer.

Specifications and
standard features

The New Gauge System features Advanced Hardware including:
Granite Table for Thermal Stability, Rigidity and Flatness of Mounting Platform.
The structural steel frame is mounted on casters making the gauge transportable without requiring recalibration.
The current system uses the Laser Linc brand Laser Micrometer Head.
The linear data points are collected with a Parker High Speed 0.1 micron Linear Servo Motor Table and Gemini Servo Motor Drive for high accuracy length measurements.
Dual Touch Screen Monitors.
State of the art i7 powered industrial PC with additional dedicated graphics card
C# programming backbone for modern, user friendly operation
One sample every .0001″ inch when pulling at 0.125 inches per second
One sample every .001 when pulling at 1.125 inches per second
Multiple layers of Password Protected Screens
Standard Query Language (SQL) database.
Unlimited program storage
Custom password protection
Add an operator
New Gauge System Has Many User Friendly Features:
Touch optimized software with large, easy touch graphics and virtual pop-up keyboard for data entry.
One click diameter
Two click pitch
Two click diameter difference
Length and Diameter Zooming
One click gaged wire save
Simple drag and release zooming
Print / Save feature after analyze with added Print only button.
Automatically display .pdf wire print of active profile on second monitor
Profile part drawing linked to display with gauging.
Simple .pdf creation
Remotely view gaged wires
New Gauge System Has Enhanced Analysis Features:
Automatic Wire Analysis. No need for operator to pick intersections or “find” gauge points
Save analysis without printing.
Pass / Fail in Measurement Summary File.
Choose analysis option for each recipe:
  • Absolute or incremental lengths
  • No arrows, algorithm A, B or C
  • Whole wire envelope
  • Flats envelope
  • Flats average diameter
  • Enable/disable control limits
  • Print offset values in color
  • On screen offset values in color
Moveable Datum Point feature
Adjustment Limit Feature (yellow tolerance lines)
Pass, Pass Adjust and Fail Indication for operators using algorithms
Measurement Summary report with export to .csv capability. Final result is compatible with Excel or Minitab.
Integrated SPC – Process Capability, X-Bar, and Range Charts
Show gage points and flats in on-screen graph.
Ability to Zoom on Graph while analysis results are shown.
Simple access to Report of Analysis. Results organized by user chosen variables.
Analysis Reports include:
  • Customizable reports
  • Custom report with analysis
  • Report by profile
  • Report by date
  • Report by profile, job and lot
  • Report by job and lot
  • Report by profile and date
  • Gage Point Analysis populating a separate spreadsheet
New Gauge System Has Many Advanced Recipe Creating Features:
Simplified Recipe Writing system or Wire Profile Creation using point to point data entry
Enhanced multiple settable linear velocities for more data-points in critical areas
Upload recipe and database files to any “disc like” storage device, i.e. USB Stick.
Recipe selected as Approved to Gauge (previous version of Recipe can be selected as Not Approved to Gauge)
Direct enter of fields in writing recipe versus scrolling. Do not need it in offsets.
Increase limits of maximum Paddle Length amount.
Increase limits of maximum Paddle Length tolerance.
Linking of your Profile to your Lots
Multiple Gauge Point Setting
Type in recipe values or up/down scroll.
Save to Excel
Save to Database

Laser Gauging System

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